
Environmental and Ecological Engineering

time:2020-08-14Browse the number:502

Cultivation objectives

This major cultivates compound talents with solid basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, ecology, environmental science and engineering, engineering design, etc., that can be engaged in environmental ecosystem management, ecological restoration and construction, ecological planning and design, environmental ecology teaching and research, etc.

Core courses

Environmental Ecology, Geographic Information System, Principle and Application of Remote Sensing, Environmental & Ecological Monitoring, Environmental Biology, Ecological Planning and Design, Ecological EngineeringRestoration of Ecological Engineering, Bioremediation Technology, Soil Pollution and Remediation, Landscape Ecology, Biostatistics and Experimental Design, etc.

Employment prospects

Graduates can work on environmental ecosystem management, ecological restoration and construction, ecological planning and design, and environmental ecology teaching and research in environmental protection departments, planning departments, building management departments, design and research institutes, environmental engineering companies, scientific research institutions, colleges and other fields.

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Address:South Campus:292 ziyun Road, Hefei,Anhui,China(230601)   North Campus:856 jinzhai Road,Hefei,Anhui,China(230022)