
Labor and Social Security

time:2020-08-24Browse the number:485

Cultivation objectives:

This major trains students into practical talents with good political qualities and moral accomplishments, knowledge and application capabilities of labor and social security systems, and ability of engaging in social security, human resource management, labor relationship processing, insurance business, safety management, etc. These talents could potentially work at government agencies, trade union organizations, social organizations, community service departments and enterprises and institutions at all levels.

Core courses:

Western Economics, Welfare Economics, Management Principles, Introduction to Public Management, Human Resource Management, Labor and Social Security Law, Administrative Law and Administrative Management, Labor Dispute Handling, Sociological Principles, Social Policy, Social Welfare and Social assistance, Social Security, Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Social Security Systems, Social Security Practice, Social Insurance Fund Management, Insurance, Insurance Actuarial.

Employment prospects:

Graduates can engage in labor social insurance, labor arbitration, salary management, and safety management in Labor and Social Security Departments, Civil Affairs Departments, public institutions, various enterprises, especially within construction enterprises and real estate companies.

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Address:South Campus:292 ziyun Road, Hefei,Anhui,China(230601)   North Campus:856 jinzhai Road,Hefei,Anhui,China(230022)